In a recent blog, I gave you permission to TREAT yourself (not cheat yourself!). Pizza, ice cream, beer, wings, pancakes – those are treats! Last week, it was more than likely pumpkin pie, stuffing, corn bread, and fried turkey (if your family goes there)! Haha!
I had also shared with you what “The Rock” (Dwayne Johnson) considers his treat meals. I got a lot of questions on that in particular. Most importantly, “Can and should I eat what “The Rock” eats?”
I’m not saying you can or should eat what and how much he eats (or even how much I eat for that matter)!
What I am saying is that if you feel that urge to have something that is less healthy than your usual meals, or you’ve been missing something you really love to eat, you should have it! You don’t have to live in an “either / or” world. You can be healthy and treat yourself (on occasion) too. In laymen terms, it’s the difference between a fad diet and making this your actual lifestyle.
WORD OF THE WEEK (WOW): “If you can plan your Treat Meal, you can Win The Week.” @CoachAdamCobb #WTW #FYCmethod #WOW
In my Pure Program (10 Day Health Kick Start), I instituted Day 11 to be Treat Day for this very reason. It really helps you truly savor that special treat and reminds you why you are working so hard to stay fit.
Check out this week’s Coaching Conversation video to make the MOST of your Treat Meal and quickly get back on track – I’m coaching you how to treat yourself! You will also want to watch the whole video so you don’t miss my two favorite spots to have my Treat Meal.
My question to you this week is, “what is your favorite Treat Meal and your favorite Treat Meal spot? Please share with our community in the blog comments.
Cheers With Water,
Coach Adam Cobb
Thank You Bonus: 3 Great Free Resources to Get You Healthy!
PS: As a “BIG” thank you for being part of this great FYC community and striving to get healthier, my team and I want to provide you with 3 Great Free Resources to Get You Healthy!
- 1. SAVE THE DATE: FREE TELE-SEMINAR: on December 16 at 7:00 p.m. ET to provide you with 5 easy ways to set you up for a healthy 2015. Registration coming really soon!
- 2. JOIN THE FREE FYC Health Challenge Series—By Getting Healthy 30 Days at a Time! Sign up today to jump into the #30DAYMOVEWELL Challenge that started on December 1st, and receive free daily tips and inspiration to get your move on today! The 30DayEatWellChallenge starts on Jan 1, 2015, and the 30DayThinkWellChallenge starts on Feb 1, 2015.
- 3. If you missed your FREE copy of our HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE, download it and put it on your refrigerator to remind you of all the easy tips to consider to enjoy the holiday, and still feel great throughout it.
I enjoyed this post a lot. This is my weakest point, calling a meal that is not clean, nor healthy a cheat. Calling it a treat, planning for it, getting rid of guilt, enjoying it and more than anything, knowing it is OK, will definitely help me.
I also love PIZZA … about places, idk. Papa Johns hhaha
So happy I stumbled upon you! I have decided to commit to my health in 2015. I love your energy and enthusiasm. Very inspiring! Thank you for doing what you do. Happy Holidays!
Yeah, very fucking inspiring. AnnaSophia Robb sucks, though.