Tag Archives: Eat Well

Shelf Life Myths Dispelled




Some people think as long as its in the fridge or freezer it’s good forever. Here are the 6 mysteries that we will start to make history.

1. Mayo  has a 2 month shelf life

  • Zero in my refrigerator; replaced with hummus.

2. Ketchup has a  4 month shelf  life

  • Does not exist in my kitchen; substituted hot sauce.

3. Mustard has a  8 month shelf life

  • Very common condiment to go bad.

4. Eggs – 1 month shelf life

  • Hard boil the rest if expiration is approaching.

5. Meat – 1 year freezer shelf life

  • Less freeze; more nutrients.

6. Canned Veggies – 2 yearshelf  life

  • During client refrigerator clean outs, I’ve seen 4-5 year old can veggies! Replace with fresh greens.

Put together your game plan, execute, have fun, and get fit.

Your friend in health,

Coach Adam Cobb

Micro Cravings – Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail




After flying in from California over the weekend I was craving those warm mix nuts they served on the plane. I took some unsalted almonds, soaked them in water and sprinkled salt lightly over them in a glass bowl. Then I took the easy and unhealthy way of heating them up and used the microwave or in this case the “microcrave”. The picture, below right, is the result after only 45 seconds.
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Sweet Potato

With my brother being a culinary superstar I have recently stepped up my game in the kitchen. My favorite fish is Halibut and over the last year the sweet potato has become a staple in my home. Below is a ultra healthy recipe taken from author and one of the leaders in the field of functional medicine, Mark Hyman, from his book Ultra Metabolism. This is a great balanced meal, excellent for those focused on reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle.
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