Category Archives: Food

8 Ways To Stop Sugar Addiction

Are you addicted to sugar? I first want to tell you that you are far from alone in this battle.  It’s a known fact that most people crave either sugar or salt. We also know that anything in excess is bad for you.

The thing that most people do not know is sugar is a silent killer. According to researchers, at University of California San Francisco, “sugar contributed to 35 million deaths globally each year.” What does that mean in context?

Sugar should be considered a toxic substance just like alcohol and tobacco.It is one of the leading contributors in obesity, diabetes, dementia, hypo and hyperglycemia, heart disease, and feeding tumors. Scared yet? Well, you should be.

Craving sugar is a real challenge people face today. It’s an addiction, and it’s so easy to fall off that wagon. To help you conquer this cravings, I have 8 game changers to help you decrease your sugar intake.

Crush Your Craving

1. Eat more low-glycemic index foods (low sugar)

2. Eat more frequently (set a timer for 3 hours after each meal)

3. Eat good fats and increase fiber (good fats taste full and rich easily taking the place for sugars)

4. Take an L-Glutamine supplement – it not only helps with muscle recovery after a workout, but it is known to fight sugar cravings

Chromium will also help balance out blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.


Post Meal Mindset Movers 

5. Don’t keep desserts in the house. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. (I personally go out for ice cream, bread, or cereal because if its in the house I’m going to eat it all in one sitting guaranteed. Knowing and being real with your limitations is key)

6. Don’t even bring sugar into the house. Substitute with raw honey or stevia instead (When I add honey to my tea, I always add it first so I see the exact amount I’m using and bc I can feel like a kid and make a fun design.) Depending on your addiction to sugar, you may want to stick with stevia and when you kick your craving you can slowly add honey to the mix.

7. Instead of going right into a dessert after a meal at a Restaurant—drink a warm cup of peppermint tea first (and feel free to add one teaspoon of honey) This has always been a game changer for me because after the mint tea it feels like I brushed my teeth and nothing, even my Mum’s brownies don’t taste good after that.

8. Floss and Brush your teeth immediately after a meal — you won’t feel like eating anything after. (you can’t always brush but floss is easy to travel with, make sure you have the mint floss.)

Bonus: Move well daily, no surprise I’m sure, however here’s a big distinction that many people get wrong. Long distance cardio training will actually increase cravings. Make sure your movement consists of resistance training or as seen in the photo, interval cardio, even yoga or pilates will help you win your war with sugar.

Secret Weapon: Add Apple Cider Vinegar to your water and or salads, or be a true hero and drink it straight up and say goodbye to your sugar addiction.

Your weekly wellness challenge is to start to check the labels of the products you are eating. DO NOT eat anything that has more than 9 grams of added sugar. Write me back in the comments section below to tell me what foods surprised you and which foods you can’t go without yet.

P.S. As I continue coaching my clients out here in Paris, the Parisians think I’m a bit crazy because I always turn down the dessert that comes with every meal, unless it’s my treat meal of course. I’m thankful for the awareness around sugar and how closely it’s related to Cancer. I’ve had too much of that in my family, it’s time to change the family legacy, tea time anyone?

Cheers with apple cider vinegar water,


P.P.S. My mom rocks and so do her recipes! Check out the latest she whipped up for me while I was home:

FullSizeRender (3)

My Mum is always giving our Lebanese background a healthy new twist.

Cauliflower Tabouleh

2 C cauliflower rice
1 C chopped cucumber
3 chopped plum tomatoes
1/4 C chopped mint
3 scallions chopped
Bunch of parsley chopped
1/4 c fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp red vinegar
2-3 tbsp olive oil
salt to taste
Mix together and let flavors meld in the refrigerator.


5 Tips on How To Improve Digestion & Use Food for Energy

While in Paris – my friend and I are enjoying an excellent omelette with veggies. In less than 5 minutes – my friend finishes and has to go directly to the restroom. #coachingmoment

When my friend returns, I continue our conversation and they start to notice (because their face is finally not buried in the plate) that in between each bite I’m putting my fork down. I comment on how good our meal tastes and they soon realize that they didn’t have much of an opinion on the taste because they inhaled the meal. Then they asked, why do I need to go to the restroom directly after my first bite?

There could be multiple answers for this one, but the first diagnosis is to slow down.

Here are my top 5 Tips on How To Improve Digestion & Use Food for Fuel. 

1. Chew slow to eat slow – when you bite your cheek or your tongue it’s usually because you are treating your food like a race. Start with 10 chews to every bite, build to 20 and slow each one down.

2. Smaller utensils – while in Paris I find that all the utensils are smaller… which forces me to eat slower and eat less.

3. Put down your small utensils – between each bite put it down, look around, benefit: taste your food.

4. Dim the lights – bring about a sense of calm while you dine… studies show that if you can calm your body and brain – you can slow down your eating.

5. Mix it up – use your non dominant hand or chopsticks to intentionally slow down. When you complete your meal you will feel energized vs tired.

Remember to Eat well, Eat for Energy.

Bonjour from Paris,


When you eat a meal do you get tired or energized?

You might be saying I don’t know…

I know you don’t know, but if you did know what would you say? (Tony & Mastin-ism)

I would tell you that it’s not what you eat that gives you the energy, it’s really when you eat.

Recently, I’ve been sharing with clients, friends, family, and everybody in Paris that speaks English that frequency is being fit.

So today (because the when is so much more important than the what) I want to create your success for you or at the very least give you an outline that I hope serves you and speaks to your success.

  • 7am Rise / Drink 16oz room temperature water and break your fast, aka break-fast, eat within 30 minutes of waking up
  • 10am Drink 16oz of water, then have a snack (notice how i’m not sharing what to eat)
  • 1pm Drink 16oz of water, then lunch (add a green veggie)
  • 4pm drink 16oz of water w/ lime, then have a snack
  • 7pm drink 8oz of water w/ lemon, then have dinner
  • 10pm drink 1 cup of Yogi Soothing Caramel Bedtime tea & rest

I’d like to report that more Parisians are having breakfast because of my relentless pursuit of simplifying how to eat well.

Now, go on… rock the when not the what.

Cheers with water,

1 Minute of Real & Raw Motivation

Coming live from the production studio of Luc Besson’s Valerian, directly after an early morning with Valerian himself, my client and friend Dane Dehaan.

People want the life of an actor or athlete but they rarely see the sacrifices they make – like 5am pickups, 18-hour days, being far away from their significant other or family, missing Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties, the big game, etc.

This week I define the difference between the high performers I have the privilege to work with and the dreamers that don’t take action.

As your Coach I’d like to give you a homework assignment this week. What are the 3 most important reasons you move?

Here are My Reasons:
1. So I Don’t Get Tired
2. So I Don’t Get Tired
3. So I Don’t Get Tired

Because in my book, fatigue is failure and energy is everything!

Bonjour from Paris

8 Great Move It or Lose It Movements To Create All Day Energy

Movement is less about exercise and more about embracing a mindset.

It’s that simple…and at the same time, not easy.

These 8 move-it or lose-it movements are specifically intended to get you going and keep you going. They will incorporate movement into your everyday activities and spark your metabolism from the moment you jump out of bed to greet the day.

Take a moment now to check out the 8 movements and incorporate them into your everyday routine:

    1. Get up and brush your teeth
      This is your first action of each day. As soon as you get out of bed, brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes to jump start your mind & body. Even if you’re tired, I challenge you to do it. Once you do, you will find yourself more aware and awake. 9 out of 10 times you will not feel like going back to bed. It’s about Mind over Mattress, your mind is more powerful than you can imagine. PS: The snooze button was made for lazy people, it has no part of the healthy lifestyle you are focused on. #YouSnoozeYouLose


    1. Put music on
      Music puts a rhythm and beat to your movements. You can’t help but keep moving when your tunes are playing and you’ve got your swag on. Music crates movement. And movement creates momentum. As the French say, “Voila!”


    1. Make and eat breakfast
      Breaking the overnight fast is critical to your energy. It’s the first big thing you’ve planned for the day. It’s one of my three critical phases to health (move well, think well, and of course, eat well). Spending time in France, I’ve noticed that the Parisians don’t put much importance on breakfast. They’d rather sleep a few minutes longer and grab a croissant and coffee on the way to work (if they eat anything at all). Sleeping an extra 15 minutes and sacrificing breakfast is self-sabotage. Taking time to make and eat breakfast gets your daily lifestyle off on the right step and revs up your metabolism. So I urge you (and the French people here in Paree) to take the time to have breakfast. Wake up for your wellness and set yourself up for success.


    1. Plan and prep at least 2 more meals
      This preparation of a mid-morning snack and lunch (maybe even a mid-afternoon snack) will keep you on track and will become part of your daily lifestyle. You’ll stay on course, when you know where you are headed. Remember that health and fitness is frequency and having meals planned keeps you on that track. When you eat well, you go from average energy to excellent energy. Anything is possible in your day if you never get tired.


    1. Get outside and go for a walk
      Spending time outside is energizing because scientifically we get Vit. D from the sun which elevates our mood. When I move well outside I like to think of it as an adventure. If it’s jogging in a new neighborhood or exploring my local community, my goal is to look for a few new things. If you are looking for newness, you’ll find it. I hope you enjoy your next adventure and let your imagination soar. Baby steps… today I challenge you to drive a different way to work or for the city commuter, walk down different streets. My personal clients know that I like to reference hip hop lyrics from time to time, so to conclude this point, like Hip-Hop star Lil’ Wayne says, “Walk It Out” every day.


  1. Sit and breathe
    This is probably the hardest of the 8 movements. Sit where it’s very quiet and concentrate on a minute of quiet breathing time…that’s five sets of 4-2-6 breathing (just 60 seconds). Focus on one thing that you are grateful for. This will help you center yourself and set up your mind to think more effectively and gain clarity and purpose.


    1. Plan another movement
      This is the time to practice living your lifestyle, to inspire your significant other, co-workers and community. Healthy living and movement are not something that can be taught. They must be caught…planned and practiced. After 15 years of teaching healthy living, 10% of client results are because I teach them vs the 90% that they see me living the lifestyle and practicing what I preach. As your confidence level increases, your sense of purpose ignites, your relationships flourish, and your body becomes stronger.


  1. Create more joy
    There is happiness and then there is joy. Happiness is in the moment, maybe after purchasing new shoes or kicks, maybe after someone compliments you. Joy is an internal feeling from within that’s built over time. Daily, consistent movement creates joy and enhances gratefulness. It’s hard to be grateful and be depressed. Movement is depression’s Kryptonite. That’s a tweetable! Movement improves your mind, body and spirit—all of which adds to your happiness, overall health and energy. Make your move-it or lose-it lifestyle an exciting quest #8daysaweek.


“It’s about setting your pace from the outset in the morning and getting your body moving, so you can keep your fire burning,” as I said in a post a few months ago. “Without motion, you’re not creating any energy and your metabolism will stay slow and sluggish, which is exactly what you don’t want.” So get moving and keep moving. As my mentor, Dr. Jeffrey Bland, told me many years ago as I was arriving to the gym in the morning while he was leaving, “You Either Move It or Lose It, It’s Your Choice.”

Bonne Journee from Paree,


P.S. What’s your top tip to get moving? Please share your success story and keep the conversation going strong.






Eat Fat for Energy and Get Fit

Eat Fat; Get Energy

“Fat-free” was a fad. 

Now it’s a new day and the truth comes out “Eat Good Fat to Get Fit.”

Possibly the best news you have heard all day and, yes, I’m serious!

On this week’s Coaching Conversation, I break down 3 myths about fat that drive me crazy when I hear them. 

Also, I offer you 20+ examples of good fats that I want you to start eating to create the energy you want and crave.

I’m not sure if you are like me when it comes to nutrition,  but I can’t get enough of the education of food. This week, I literally geek out on the science of fat and dive deep into the subject. #haha

After watching the video, in the comments section below, please do share how you will incorporating more good fats into your diet. Inquiring minds (AKA: the FYCcommunity) want to know)!

Cheers with Water,


PS: I wanted to leave you with this. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, its ONLY about 2 things: Commitment to living healthy = Desire and Action 

Eat Fat to Lose Fat


From the Fall of 2006 to the Summer of 2010, I worked will a client that wanted to lose weight but never could.

It seemed no matter what we did, she would stay the same weight with the same figure.

In the summer of 2010, we had a heart to heart talk and she confessed to me that she hadn’t quite followed the nutrition plan we had put together.

She told me that she didn’t trust the fact that eating high quality good fat foods would help her lose weight.

I could totally understand why she felt that way, when I kept telling her that you have to eat fat to lose fat. Really! Did that even make sense?

However, what I explained to her was that all fats are not created equal, and although I understood her reluctance, I explained why what I was suggesting actually works and asked her to just try.

Once she shifted her mindset and started eating high fat quality foods (obviously, in moderation), she dropped to her goal weight in 4 months verse the 4 years that she struggled.

In this week’s coaching conversation, I break down why healthy fats promote weight loss and provide you some quick homework to help you understand your body better.

WOW (Word of the Week: “Eat Good Fat to Lose Bad Fat.” @CoachAdamCobb @FYCmethod

Now that you know that all fats are not created equal, In the comment’s section of the blog, be sure to share the 1-2 types of good fats you will be adding to your diet.

Cheers with Water,

Coach Adam Cobb

Science Says: Eat Pizza to Get Fit!


Whether you are from New York or not, I’m sure you’re on the same page as Matt from the BK, when he asks, “How many times can you eat pizza in a week?”

The answer is simple: EAT PIZZA ONCE A WEEK AND GET FIT.  

Do it. I’m giving you permission!

Check out this week’s video – it’s the blog y’all been waiting for. You deserve to be TREATED for living a healthy life and making good decisions. 

You don’t want to get down on yourself for CHEATING. This week I explain the difference between a treat meal, and a cheat meal.

WORD OF THE WEEK (WOW): “Living Healthy is Not a Short Term Mindset; It’s a Long-Term Lifestyle.” @CoachAdamCobb   #FYCmethod   #TreatNotCheat #WOW

I want you to shift your mentality: You work hard all week, not to cheat yourself, but to treat yourself. Leave guilt out of it. 

Finally feel good to enjoy your craving. I’m not only giving you permission, I’m challenging you to plan your treat meal for this week and indulge. (But make sure you watch the video first or you might miss how your treat can help your health goals!)

What will you choose for your treat meal this week? Leave your choice in the comments below! Next week, I’ll share with you my treat meals and 1 major takeaway that will change the game completely for you!

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.

Have the best week ever and remember, you must do the unpopular to accomplish the unforgettable.  

Cheers with Water,

Coach Adam Cobb



10 Easy Tips to Break Your Sugar Addiction Today


In last week’s Coaching Conversation, I shared with you some frightening facts about sugar addiction. One that is worth repeating is according to researchers at University of California San Francisco, sugar contributes to 35 million deaths globally each year. I hope that this fact alone did shock you—as this number proves that sugar is as toxic as alcohol and tobacco.

I am not naïve to tell you not to eat anything with sugar in it (especially as we talk about Treat Day next week), but I hope you took me up on my challenge last week to decrease your sugar intake to less than 9 grams per serving. Many of us eat and drink things that have well over 30 to 50 grams per servings everyday, which equals 5 to 10 teaspoons of sugar per candy bar, per soft drink, per juice, etc.

First, my goal was to educate you on what “added” sugar is actually doing to your body. This week, I want to help you kick that sugar habit by helping you reduce those cravings. I understand that even with all of these facts, we are all human—and those cookies, cakes and Frappuccino’s can be tough to ignore!

Did you know that water, toothpaste, and fat (yes, fat!) could be your greatest allies? Take just a few minutes today to watch this week’s Coaching Conversation video and learn the best ways to fight off those sugar cravings. Let’s end the sugar addiction today, together. I’m here to help! Try these tips one at a time and see the difference it makes in how you feel. Note these changes.

Word of the Week (WOW): “People’s nutritional pitfall starts and ends with sugar!” @CoachAdamCobb #FYCmethod #NoMoreSugarAddiction #WOW

What do you do to fight off those sugar cravings? Don’t forget to share your tips in the comments below.

If you need help putting these tips in to action, or think I can help you further, reach out here and we’ll set up a 15 minute consultation:

Cheers With Water,

Coach Adam Cobb